Acne is caused when our hair follicles are plugged with dead skin cells and oil. This causes pimples, blackheads and whiteheads as well. 

  • Whiteheads – closed plugged pores.
  • Blackheads – open clogged pores.
  • Pimples – pus filled at the tip.

These can be caused by excess sebum/oil production, bacteria, inflammation and many other reasons.

How to properly treat acne?

The key factor is maintaining a proper routine. This should be done in the morning (after waking up) and at night (before going to bed). The main steps of a routine are here as follows,

  1. Cleansing
  2. Toning
  3. Moisturizing
  4. Treatment
  5. Sun protection (only in the morning routine)

Choosing a most suited cleanser is quite tricky. For that you need understand what type of a skin you have(oily/dry/normal). And when choosing a moisturizer, it’s important to remember that people with oily skin should use a lightweight moisturizer. And treatment should be done according to the skin concerns.

A routine with O’nelle Naturals products.

We can easily make a routine with O’nelle Naturals products. For people that suffers with acne can create a routine as follows,

  1. Cleansing with Anti-Acne Face Wash.
  2. Toning with Natural Rose Oil Toner.
  3. Treating with Acne Control Gel.

And a lightweight moisturizer can be used after toning as well. Always make sure to wear sunscreen as the last step in the morning.

O’nelle Naturals Anti Acne Face Wash is made with great ingredients like Salicylic acid, Glycolic acid, Aloe vera, Mint oil, Moringa and many more. Salicylic acid helps to lessen acne, fade acne scars and control excess sebum production. Glycolic acid helps to heal acne, brighten the skin tone and remove dead skin cells as well.

O’nelle Naturals Rose Oil Toner is made with Rose oil, Aloe vera and many more ingredients that helps to hydrate the skin really well and helps to balance the pH level of the skin.

O’nelle Naturals Acne Treatment Gel consists of Azelaic acid, Glycolic acid, Moringa, Aloe vera, Mint and many more. Azelaic acid is known to brighten the skin tone and fade acne scars and as mentioned before Glycolic acid helps to heal acne and acne scars as well.

Anyone can try out this budget friendly routine.

Things to remember,

  • Be consistent with the routine.
  • Never go to bed without removing makeup.
  • Always wear sunscreen.
  • Don’t pop pimples.