Your skin is the largest organ of your body. It is of utmost importance that you give your skin the respect it deserves. We all know certain do’s and don’ts when it comes to looking after your skin. However, we may still be negligent and do them anyway. Here are some of the worst things that you could do to your skin.

1. Over exfoliating

Exfoliating your skin can do wonders to your skin. However, if it’s done too vigorously, it can worsen your skin’s condition and damage the protective layers of the skin. This can expose ypur skin to infections and sensitivities. Therefore, finding the right balance is key. Always be gentle when you exfoliate. You can also avoid over exfoliating by using an exfoliator with small, gentle granules. If you have sensitive skin stick to exfoliating once a week.  Also consider using a chemical exfoliator, which uses AHAs and BHAs or fruit enzymes to clean deep into pores and dissolve the glue that binds dead skin cells in your pores.

2. Popping, picking and rubbing

Sometimes we forget how fragile our skin is and how careful we need to be with it. We all know we shouldn’t pick at our skin, but the truth is when we get a giant zit, most of us just can’t help squeezing it. But know that the more you push and pick at your zit, the more inflammation you create underneath. Not to mention, all the bacteria from your fingertips is now all over your skin. This can be a nightmare.

3. Not protecting your skin

You probably know you’re meant to wear sunscreen daily, but do you know why? If you don’t, chances are you probably don’t bother with SPF, but let me tell you why it’s SO essential! The sun is responsible for 90% of how your skin ages – yes, genetics play a part, but so does sunblock!

The SPF protects against UVB rays that burn the skin, while UVA (or PA) protects against UVA rays that penetrate deeper into the skin and destroy collagen – both are essential! Sun cream should be the last product applied in your skincare routine, and if you’re in the sun, you should reapply every 2 hours.

4. Forgetting About Your Neck and Eyes

People so often neglect their eye cream and continuing their routine down their neck. Even if your face is looking flawless, if you’ve forgotten about your neck, it will be a serious giveaway of your age. Continue your entire skincare regime down your neck; this means double cleansing your neck as well – we often add bronzer here to make sure we don’t have any foundation lines – toning, and moisturizing. Make sure you’re gentle and massage in upward motions so that you’re not pulling the skin downward, which is precisely where you don’t want your skin to go!

5. Using the same products forever

You may have found a moisturizer that is THE DREAM, but sadly, it’s a love affair that can’t last forever. Eventually, your skin will change and adapt to any active ingredients in your product, so that over time, they become less effective. Not to mention your skin changes, so what worked for it a year or two ago, might no longer be the right product. It’s important to know your skin type and constantly reevaluate your skin (every six months) because there are so many things that can affect it; from your hormones and environment to your stress-levels and age.

Hoping this helps you guys know how to look after your skin better!