Having great skin isn’t just a matter of having the right DNA, it requires work. This work in turn must slowly turn into a habit at a constant pace until it gets incorporated into your day to day life. Having a skincare routine will ensure that your skin is tuned up, so that it functions and looks its best. It is therefore important that you at least have the most basic skincare routine one can have.
“Your skin type could be dry, normal, oily or a combination.”
In order to start a skincare regimen, it is of utmost importance that you know your skin type. Your skin type could be dry, normal, oily or combination. You must be mindful of any concerns that need to be such as hyper-pigmentation or skin sensitivity issues. Once you know your skin type, you can then decide what products you are going to use. Your skin routine must comprise of the following three steps at least:
- Cleansing – Washing you face to get rid of dirt, grime, sebum, etc
- Toning – Balancing the skin and bringing your pores back to its original state.
- Moisturizing – Hydrating and softening the skin
O’nelle Naturals has a great range of facial cleansers specifically targeted to the various skin types prevalent. They are not just great but also very affordable. Some cleansers can strip your skin off of its hydration and leave you with dry skin, so it’s crucial that you choose the right cleanser for your skin type.
Toning is the next step. You can find various types of toners out there in the market nowadays and you can easily get distracted and buy the wrong one. Therefore, if you are a beginner, stick to a basic toner.
The third step is moisturizing. Moisturizers bring back lost hydration and boosts the skin’s present moisture levels. Moisturizers come in different textures to suit different skin types as well, so choose wisely. Remember, no moisturizer, no glowing skin!
You may not find the most ideal product for you right away, but once you start studying your skin, you will eventually find the best one. It is therefore, very important, that you listen to your skin. Sometimes, your skin might require some extra hydration, sometimes look too oily etc…
Taking care of your skin is not a challenge. Once you start falling in love with your skin, you will not want to turn back. In fact, your skin will thank you.
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